1 Golden Retriever, 2 Cats

(Nº: 6062229)
Fecha de solicitud: 1 de mayo de 2020 14:13
Direcciones y fechas
Croacia, Condado De Karlovac, Ogulin
20 de may
Estados Unidos, Florida, Miami
21 de may
54 kg
Peso total:
54 kg
Información adicional
We are American citizens in Croatia and are trying to get back home with our pets. We have 1 Golden Retriever and 2 cats . We have not secured a flight back yet due to no knowing if we can put our pets on a plane with us. We have been told that since the corona virus all flight are not carrying pets, so we are stuck here in Croatia until that changes. If you can tell me when airlines will allow our pets to be on our flight back that would be helpful.